Farouk Khan has been the director of Stars of Africa Football Academy since 2003, and his passion for football, and especially football development becomes apparent when one considers his wealth of experience. Khan’s professional career speaks for itself, with the following high profile coaching positions held over the past 30 years.
Khan lists his long terms goals as continuing to share knowledge with other coaches as well as developing players who he would like to see represent South Africa at International levels.
Farouk Khan, along with his co-directors, is a dynamic team with a wealth of technical, management, and marketing experience in the field of football development. Their collective passion and commitment to football development are evident in the results they have had with players and coaches to date.
Nadime Mahmoud is a international sport marketing consultant with a deep-seated commitment to the development of young football players. Mahmoud also holds the esteemed position of Marketing Director at Stars of Africa Football Academy.
He is a distinguished football agent with close links in the international football arena. He has also brought high profile coaches to South Africa, to facilitate skills transfer and Executive Committee 4 to accelerate both coach and player development. Mahmoud’s experience and focus to player development is underpinned by his position and in-depth involvement at Stars of Africa Football Academy.